Declutter – how to do it!

Declutter – how to do it!

Declutter – how to do it! 

Declutter? Yes? Decluttering is necessary!! Trust me – Wow I have a lot of stuff!

I’m not that much of a hoarder but boy do I have some ‘crap’

I’ve been thinking a lot about this just recently, just how much stuff I’ve acquired over the years!

How did it happen? Why so much of everything? Do I really need it?

And I’m not talking just clothes, but shoes, jewellery, kitchen stuff, EPLS stuff – you name it just stuff.

And stuff I don’t even remember I have.


Storage Container – need to declutter

Right now we have a 40ft storage container full to the brim 🙂  (long story)

I sold my house 18M ago and am renting and I’m almost ashamed to say I can hardly remember what’s in that blessed container.

The only things I can remember is a double bed and the garden stuff – that’s it? and I certainly don’t need that bed.

I have now purchased a new place (fingers crossed)

I am thinking of totally cleansing my life! Eeek! Can I do it? After all, all I need to do is be ruthless, chuck it to the charity shop?

(Do you know I still own a pair of denim dungarees I had at Uni – that’s a long time ago! – Well let’s face it I’m certainly not going to wear those dungarees again lol! and they are just taking up space! )  


Can I declutter?

Is it that easy to declutter?

At the end of the day we need to remember we come into this world with nothing and we leave with nothing, if we lost the lot we wouldn’t crumble – we’d just start again!


So why do we hold onto stuff?

I’m sure I’m not the only one.

So I am revving up big time to start and have that mid life clear out, that cleanse! Oh I’m almost excited.

One thing for sure is my home doesn’t  need enough linen, crockery, cutlery, towels or pantry supplies to serve as a hotel.

I need to be realistic about our true needs.

In the rare event an unusually large number of guests arrive on my doorstep, I can always borrow from friends, family or neighbours – and the fact is I will never need to.(most likely would be or put them in a hotel 😉 )

I’m sure there are a lot of attics, lofts,  basements and garages filled with boxes of past tax papers and paid bills because we don’t know when they can be discarded or when we can ligitimately shred the material.

Well I intend to shred big style!

I’m also guessing there are kitchen cupboards, pantries, fridges, freezers and bathroom cabinets  filled with expired food items, medicines and cosmetics.

I’m going to go through the lot and totally declutter.



Don’t get me wrong I’m not going minimalist,  I’m just going to try and sift my stuff and pull out and display those truly beautiful items, those memories, those few things that really do mean the world.

And I will try and stop myself from the inevitable “I may need it” “so-and-so bought it for me’ ‘it cost a lot of money’ etc etc and all those old excuses.

AND I need to remember to stop the flow of stuff coming in…..

It’s a virtuous cycle. Clear your mind and then reorganise. Reorganise, and in turn, your mind will feel clearer.

So wish me luck! I’ll let you know how I get on 😉 Not so sure it’ll be easypeasylemonsqueezy

(One thing I read on line was throwing one thing away everyday for 1 year – sounds like a good idea to me, problem is I don’t have a year)

Please leave me a comment – I love your comments

Have you any tips on decluttering  or  cleansing my life?

Thanks Cx

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  1. Go for it Clare. I had to do this when we moved back to Rayne. The easiest way, I found, was to take one room at a time, and be brutal. I can’t remember who said it (it may have been Charles Rennie Macintosh) everything in your house should be either beautiful or useful ( or words to that effect). Good luck anyway I’m sure you’ll do it !!

  2. Hi Clare! You’re not alone. My friend has just started a business to help people do this both physically AND emotionally! It’s therapy. You’re going to love it!!!

  3. Good luck! I try to make decluttering a regular part of my life – it’s a great habit to develop. The room I really struggle with is the family dumping zone aka my study.

  4. Good luck, I’m sure you’ll get there. It is nice to have things around you that mean something though. But if you haven’t missed or thought about it in 18 months probably time to get rid. I try & de-clutter now & again & it means you can up date things. Either give to charity or I try & sell some stuff on ebay! Xxx

  5. Charlotte Oates

    I have no tips because I’m a terrible hoarder so I wish you lots of luck with it and I’m looking forward to seeing how you do x

  6. I need to do this in the playroom and my wardrobe! Fab post, good luck!

  7. The older I get, the less need/want I have for ‘stuff’ in my life. Collect moments not things as they say! I started to de-clutter in January and am gradually getting rid of more and more as the months go on, it’s very liberating! I also made a new years resolution not to by myself any new clothing, shoes or accessories for a whole year, that bit is not quite so easy peasy!! Love your site by the way, I just discovered it via the Brilliant Blog Post Link Up, you’ll find my ramblings over at x

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